Sunday, July 11, 2010

How To View Private Facebook Profiles Video Tutorial 2010


I just found a really helpful video that shows you exactly how to view private Facebook profiles utilizing a free Facebook private profile viewer tool! I followed the steps shown in the video perfectly, and was able to view a lot of private profiles with the tool, so yea, it works great. Check out the video below:

And here's a link to the site the video talks about:

Thursday, July 8, 2010

A Facebook Private Profile Viewer Squidoo Lens!

So, I was surfing Squidoo and I came across an amazing lens related to how to view private Facebook profiles. In fact, it went in to more detail than I think I even ever have. Well, ok, that might be a bit of an overstatement, but it did provide more links and more detail about each link and how well it worked for them. So yea, you definitely should check it out.

If you want to check it out, the name of it is simply Facebook Private Profile Viewer. So head on over, and see what you think. Granted, it will probably have some similar content to what I have, but I think in general the quality is a bit higher. I know that's weird to say about myself, but yea, I'm just being honest!

Monday, July 5, 2010 article on Facebook profile hacks 2010

So, I was surfing around on a bit, and I came across an interesting article dedicated to the concept of being able to hack private Facebook profiles. Granted, I was a bit skeptical at first, as I am with most of these types of articles and websites, but I nonetheless decided to read it all the way through and give it some thought. After all, I had some spying I was quite interesting in doing on a former girlfriend.

So, after reading this Facebook Private Profile Viewer article, I decided to go ahead and follow the instructions it provided to me. To my surprise, it worked! I was able to spy not only on my ex girlfriend, but on pretty much anybody else I wanted to! Talk about awesomeness! Yea, so you can imagine how I ended up spending the rest of my day! lol.